To return to the running collector or to the results of the finished collection, select the Status link in the left navigation bar. 要返回正在运行的收集器,或已完成的收集器结果,请在左侧导航栏中选择Status链接。
Do not use the return value of the link ( 2) call. 不要使用link(2)调用的返回值。
Both nodes should return to the command line after the reporting link operates normally. 在正常情况下,报告链接操作之后,两个节点应该会返回到命令行。
To pass a channel between programs, use the LINK, XCTL, START and RETURN APIs with the channel parameter specified. 要在程序之间传递管道,请将LINK,XCTL,START和RETURNAPI与指定的管道参数一起使用。
But now he is set to return to England over the weekend and link up with Charlton next week after the opening of the January transfer window. 就是说郑智周末得到英格兰,在一月份转会窗打开的时候加盟查尔顿。
Design and Debugging of CATV Return Link in Xinxiang 新乡有线电视回传链路的设计和调试
Return the page to catalog mode, and click the page catalog link to view the contents of the pagecatalogpart control. 使页返回到目录模式,然后单击“页目录”链接以查看pagecatalogpart控件的内容。
In return, you'd get a link back to your blog in your profile, or post, on their site. 作为交换,你最好在你的帖子里留一个返回你的博客的链接。
A technique used to return acknowledgement information across a full-duplex ( two-way simultaneous) data link without the use of special ( acknowledgement) message. 经全双工(向同时)据链路,不用专门(认)文返回确认信息所用的技术。
A "return to picture" or "return to album" link when finished editing tags would be nice. 在标签编辑完成时能有个“返回相片”或“返回相册”的链接就好了。
Click the back button in your web browser and return to the previous page, where you can try your link again. 请在web浏览器中单击“后退”按钮返回上一页,然后在该页上再试一次链接。
Please return to the invite e-mail and make sure you are pasting the complete link into your browser bar. 请返回到邀请电子邮件,确保您是将完整的链接粘贴到浏览器栏中。
Morgenthau remained concerned that China would do a similar deal with Britain in return for a yuan link with sterling. 摩根索还是担心:中国会和英国达成类似的交易,作为交换,把法币与英镑挂钩。
In the oil pump there is a return to the oil standard of the arrow, the arrow can be identified in the link line. 在油泵上有出油、回油标计箭头,可按该箭头确定管路的连结。
Provide a "return to shopping" link. 提供一个“返回购物”链接。
Return of course some are more blackguardly is, link you today, will link yours tomorrow take out, say sentence not Orphean, the family becomes you LULU! 当然还有些更无赖的就是,今天链接你的,明天就把你的链接去掉,说句不好听的,人家把你当LULU了!
In this paper, a novel multi wavelength star optical network reusing all channel wavelengths three times is proposed by the method of ( Distributed Architecture)+ ( Return Link)+ ( Wavelength Group). 通过引入分布式结构+反馈回路+波长分组的方法,提出了一种新的波长三次重用的多波长星形光网络。
Using the detention and return system in Macau for reference on the basis of Chinese reality is not only good for the improvement of Chinese inheritance law, but also an important link of establishing inheritance tax system. 借鉴澳门地区的扣还制度,不仅是对我国继承法的完善,更是建立遗产税制度的重要先决环节。
The basic means to solve the basic contradiction of world outlook education is actually the self-construction process, with the return of the original self-evidence to the world of life as the basis and the mutual understanding between educators and students as the necessary link. 世界观教育基本矛盾解决的根本途径,乃是一种以回溯到生活世界的原初自明性为基础的、以教育者与受教育者之间的理解为必要环节的自我建构。
Based on the theoretical analysis and calculated results of the synchronized performance of TDRSS forward and return link, the acquisition performance of sequential detection test is superior to that of fixed length test. 基于理论分析和TDRSS正返向链路同步性能的计算结果,序贯检测的捕获性能优于定长检测的性能。
For type ⅰ and type ⅱ crank-rocker mechanisms with quick return characteristics, there exist some inherent relations between the link dimensions and the kinematics capability parameters, such as minimum transmission angle, extreme position angle and angular stroke of rocker. 基于平面四杆机构的空间模型,针对具有急回特性的I、Ⅱ型曲柄摇杆机构,深入分析了机构最小传动角、极位夹角和摇杆摆角等运动性能参数与构件尺寸之间的内在关系;
Universities for arts should make them the core of the key-both culture and creativity; at the end, the crux of the cultural and creative industries to creative return to this link. 并针对艺术类大学对其中的关键核心做出分析&既文化与创意;最终,将文化创意产业的症结归到创意这一环节。
Nowadays the improving needs of Internet users for the video and audio information promote the Ethernet transmission rate rapidly rising, high-frequency effect ( return loss, crosstalk, etc.) throughout the transmission link has been reflected obviously. 现今互联网用户对于视频和音频信息需求的提高客观上促进了以太网的传输速率迅速提高,高频效应(回波损耗,串扰等)在整个传输链路上已经体现的非常明显。
Based on this, key technologies for satellite communication under rotor obstruction are explored. ( 2) The forward link and return link transmission system is designed. 对前向链路和返向链路传输体制进行了设计。
Analysis results show that coded modulation is more energy efficient than encoded modulation in passive RFID return link and the system performance is improved with almost no increase in chip complexity. 分析结果表明,编码调制更为能量有效。在几乎不增加芯片复杂度的前提下,提升了系统性能。